Senin, 31 Maret 2008

1st april 2008

( sebagai catatan tulisan ini kuterbitkan detik2 menjelang kedatangan Bosku) ceritanya aku terima email dibawah ini dan telah kubalas. semua ini ku kembalikan kepada Allah Swt. jika masih ada rejeki di PT. HRP akan aku jalani, meskipun aku sudahpun menghadiri beberapa interview sebelum email tsb. dikirimkan. sebelum dan sesudahnya aku menghadiri interview2 tsb. sudah kupanjatkan doa kepada Allah dimana saja kau berikan rejeki padaku akan aku terima, walaupun dari satu interview yang gagal ku berdoa lagi mungkin ada yang lebih baik dari perusahaan tsb. setelah ini yang akan allah berikan padaku, aku tidak akan pernah menyerah dan putus asa.
aku merasa email yang dikirimkan kepadaku adalah titik terang dari perkataan seorang rekan kerja, bahwa kemungkinan aku atau rekanku yang satu lagi akan tidak diperpanjang kontrak kerjanya. aku merasa lebih kuat akulah yang akan dikeluarkan dari perusahaan ini berhubung rekanku yang satunya itu punya backing kuat dari bosnya. tapi sudah kusiapkan mentalku jika itu benar terjadi, bukankah sudah kukatakan pada Pak Jon bahwa aku akan membiarkan dia tetap bekerja disini karena hanya perusahaan ini sajalah yang membebaskan dia untuk main internet dan game berjam2 didepan komputer pada jam kerja. aku yakin aku masih bisa bekerja ditempat lain, sedangkan perusahaan besar pasti memakai seleksi ketat thd dia jadi gak segampang dia bekerja disini tanpa proses seleksi, interview, tanpa bawa lamaran bisa bekerja disini. so, let her be happy here and I will be happy too at a new place.
akan kutulis lagi jika pak barry sudah menemuiku hari ini....
From: Irwin [] Sent: Monday, March 31, 2008 12:10 PMTo: 'AYU'Subject: RE: Increment

Hi Ayu

Sure. Just give a call or email me if you need help.

Once again, I hope you can put in your best effort forward for all jobs given to you…J

HRP Asia Pte Ltd
T: +65 67737551
F: +65 67737537
M: +65 97697636
From: AYU [] Sent: Monday, March 31, 2008 1:02 PMTo: 'Irwin'Subject: RE: Increment

Hi Mr. Irwin,

Firstly I would like to thank you for your proposal, it is really beyond my expectation ( I am so speechless diluar perkiraan saya). Why I said it is beyond my expectation? I saw my own performance from last yr ( so many MC leave) that I believe and feel I couldn’t perform well than I used to perform. Other than that there have other reason that made me insecure to make a quick decision regarding my plan career, like some colleagues, at first I can tolerate but from time to time I don’t think I can keep it longer. Actually I never want to create any troubles during working hours but if people touch someone else ‘s matter/ business at working hours I believe that no one can accept. I learnt it that I shouldn’t stay for long because I worry that I will make company a difficult if I keep on staying on this condition and wont make company a loss if I cant perform well. I think I will ask an apology when I found “a right time at new opportunity” for my last misbehaviour that made you have to hold an urgent meeting out of your tight schedule. I will take your proposal as a chance of being reborn and to mend the shortages here and there as well as to continue to do my best in future even the outcome are far from that. I appreciate whatever management outcome for me. I believe this company have made a fair judgement to everyone here.

Once again Pak Irwin, thank you.

Best Regard,

From: Irwin [] Sent: Monday, March 31, 2008 11:11 AMTo: 'AYU'Subject: Increment

Hi Ayu

I’ve proposed to the management to increase your salary by IDR400,000 beginning January 2008. That is, PT will backpay your salary from January 2008. Barry will inform you the outcome tomorrow.

I hope you’ll continue to do your best.

Best regards
HRP Asia Pte Ltd
T: +65 67737551
F: +65 67737537
M: +65 97697636

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