Dear adiybah,
learn this debate between mom and old colleague who always give a good advise to me, okay...
Both. The earlier is adv.company. why? The idea is like this. If you were a advertisement company owner who want to set up a company, you should recruit an English speaker-writers to be your staff who will deal with a non or government client no matter what they advertise. if your staff discover that the client submit the “strange” workpapers to be advertised, he will say to the client” sorry, sir I understand all these words are meaningful, but I believe if we switch this word to this word will be more meaningful” ( whatever he can say, he should watch his words to please client). So, in other words, adv. Company also have to be responsible what he advertised because it will protect the company’s own name and client as well. The client will have in mind in future, ohh it is worth I paid them very expensive and society will respect gov. advertisement, the impact is society will take gov’s advice gradually right?
Government also have to take into account when advertising society advice in foreign languages. Therefore, recruit some foreign speaker staffs who will in charge of delivering society message. So, before he were appointed as gov. staff make sure be a foreign language speaker for your own benefit ( not only for employment purpose in gov. dept).
Maybe mr. suriadi can add my comment above.
From: SuriadiPhang@Eaton.com [mailto:SuriadiPhang@Eaton.com] Sent: Wednesday, February 13, 2008 10:03 AMTo: undisclosed-recipients:Subject: kesalahan Iklan Layanan Masyarakat neh :D
Which one should be sent for English course? The advertisement company or the local government?
Suriadi Phang
Material Analyst Planning
Phone : +62-778-600-4557
Mobile : +62-816-360-2760
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