Jumat, 10 April 2009
Sabtu, 10 Januari 2009
Yr 2009................
Sepuluh hari sudah di bulan Januari tahun 2009, bunda menyadari sudah lama tidak mengayunkan jari merangkai kata dalam blog ini. wahh...cerita nya mulai darimana yah...yang pasti terakhir bunda rajin ngeblog bunda masih bekerja pada perusahaan tunnel thruster, tapi sudah memasuki delapan bulan ini bunda pindah kerja di sebuah perusahaan elektronik yang super dekat dengan lokasi kediaman keluarga. Masih menikmati hari sabtu dan minggu off meskipun terkadang bertekat masuk kerja supaya laporan kelar, tapi bukanlah kesulitan besar. Malah dari hari senin sampe jum'at bunda kerja kurang lebih nyampe jam delapan malam, sekali lagi tidak ada kesulitan kalo pulang dengan jarak yang dekat. ntar deh bunda ceritain lagi pengalaman bunda kerja ditempat yang sekarang.
Putri Bunda, Adiybah udah berusia dua tahun sejak 8 desember 2008 dan semakin lucu, pintar,menggemeskan deh. hmmm....I love adiybah deh hehehe....
Selasa, 29 April 2008
Big Day hm.....
I am looking forward to experiencing the day when a bos called one of his subordinates to inform about her discontinue labour agreement by management. one year ago before that day she had been told by one of her colleagues that between her and another colleague the labour agreement will be discontinued. so it is not a surprise anymore for her and she welcomed the rumour whether or not will happen. For her whether continue or discontinue wont be a problem; she still can apply a job at other place without someone's recommendation, so far she made her own effort to obtain a vacant position and will quit on her own accord. again for her if she was discontinued, obviously she is very aware that her current company is unable to distinguish its employees who work appropriately and work as he/she likes. an employee who sit for hours to surf internet, chatting,play games and make a gossip will be considered a good employee; why should a hardworking employee make a hard effort to maintain good job while the lady boss never make one. better for her to leave this place and grab the gold opportunity at promising place who offer good knowledge and vision where she can upgrade herself.
never ever think that she would be very sad and would cry blood on account of the discontinuing labour agreement. her important agenda since last yr (2007) is to apply a new job and she has been sending and attending few interviews till this april 2008 even she still stays in this company at this moment that she believes her latest interviews require a candidate who has experience in integrated system while this company still not integrated yet. so it is natural that future employer will not consider her on this reason. so any news from management wouldnt upset her at all because it is not her priority anymore he3...why should her be upset? if this company really treat their employees as their asset so they will take fair action if one employee do a misconduct definitely will have further discussion but let her/him continue doing it, so this way will create a perception from other employees that employees require no hardworking or good attitude during working hours because the misconduct is considered just fine.
she believe one day soon or later this company will find out the truth.
Senin, 28 April 2008
I present.....Adiybah he3....

Alhamdulillah syukur bunda panjatkan hanya pada allah swt yang telah memberikan kesempatan bunda untuk mengurus adiybah dari memandikan adiybah hingga memasakkan bekal adiybah sebelum bunda berangkat kekantor bahkan bunda yang mengantarkan adiybah ke penitipan. satu demi satu kepintaran adiybah bunda saksikan dan rasakan kebahagiaan yang tersendiri yang tidak bisa dibuat2. coba lihat foto2 adiybah lucu2 khan? sesulit apapun keadaan kita tanpa pembantu tapi bunda jalani dengan penuh rasa syukur biarpun ada teman bunda yang usil menuding ibu pekerja sangat rugi karena tidak dapat menyaksikan detik2 kepintaran sang anak...wah usil banget ya...bunda sih ngerti dengan kondisi dia yang masih melajang diusia kepala tiga meskipun dia dengan membusungkan dada bahwa dia fine2 aja tanpa seorang suami dia bisa survive dan bersyukur tidak punya anak sehingga tidak dipusingkan dengan kenakalan anak kecil atau remaja... biarlah dia membanggakan keadaannya tapi wallahu a'lam allah maha mengetahui apa isi hatinya yang paling dalam....sedangkan wanita sudah berkeluarga yang belum dikaruniai anak sampai bertahun2 sangat merindukan kehadiran si kecil tapi tak pernah berputus asa memohon padaNya karena memang harus seperti itu kita sebagai manusia tidak dapat melawan kodrat sebagai wanita apalagi sabda rasul bukanlah golongan umatnya bagi yang tidak menikah...tapi jika kita sudahlah tak menyembahnya atau tidak melaksanakan sholat(menegakkan tiang agama) sudahlah lengkap kesombongan manusia seperti itu. Manusia seperti itu merasakan kehadiran seorang anak dapat mendatangkan kesulitan baginya. masya allah...
Selasa, 22 April 2008
Ms. Conchita....is back
Ms. Conchita is having a new busy activity. very interesting to know that she told me like this... she and her husband have bought a house in Germany. About 2 1/4 hour driving from where they live now, which is near Rotterdam. they live in a very old house now (from 1886). A lot of work to do on that house and now in their new house also a lot to do. That house in from 1952 and is situated in the country. Their life will be completely change while now they live in the centre of a middlesize city. When mr Michel will be retiered (in about 2 year) they will be living there in the countrysite. Lots of space and clean air. they will live there with friends whom they know since 28 years. The houses are seperately and big enough to have their privacy.
However She feel very sad to leave her beautifull house which she love. She prefer very old houses. They have a beautifull atmosfer of its own.
However She feel very sad to leave her beautifull house which she love. She prefer very old houses. They have a beautifull atmosfer of its own.
I cant recall about her daughter luckily Ms. Conchita is pleased to share her story that they have one daughter. Here name is Yuri (23 years)and she is a dentist- and orthodontist assistent. She has a very nice job, very interessting too.
I can't guess correctly but I try to guess the first picture is the new house while the second one is the old house he3... I forgot to congratulate on having a new house to her directly, but anyway I hope she will read this writing....
Senin, 31 Maret 2008
1st april 2008
( sebagai catatan tulisan ini kuterbitkan detik2 menjelang kedatangan Bosku) ceritanya aku terima email dibawah ini dan telah kubalas. semua ini ku kembalikan kepada Allah Swt. jika masih ada rejeki di PT. HRP akan aku jalani, meskipun aku sudahpun menghadiri beberapa interview sebelum email tsb. dikirimkan. sebelum dan sesudahnya aku menghadiri interview2 tsb. sudah kupanjatkan doa kepada Allah dimana saja kau berikan rejeki padaku akan aku terima, walaupun dari satu interview yang gagal ku berdoa lagi mungkin ada yang lebih baik dari perusahaan tsb. setelah ini yang akan allah berikan padaku, aku tidak akan pernah menyerah dan putus asa.
aku merasa email yang dikirimkan kepadaku adalah titik terang dari perkataan seorang rekan kerja, bahwa kemungkinan aku atau rekanku yang satu lagi akan tidak diperpanjang kontrak kerjanya. aku merasa lebih kuat akulah yang akan dikeluarkan dari perusahaan ini berhubung rekanku yang satunya itu punya backing kuat dari bosnya. tapi sudah kusiapkan mentalku jika itu benar terjadi, bukankah sudah kukatakan pada Pak Jon bahwa aku akan membiarkan dia tetap bekerja disini karena hanya perusahaan ini sajalah yang membebaskan dia untuk main internet dan game berjam2 didepan komputer pada jam kerja. aku yakin aku masih bisa bekerja ditempat lain, sedangkan perusahaan besar pasti memakai seleksi ketat thd dia jadi gak segampang dia bekerja disini tanpa proses seleksi, interview, tanpa bawa lamaran bisa bekerja disini. so, let her be happy here and I will be happy too at a new place.
akan kutulis lagi jika pak barry sudah menemuiku hari ini....
From: Irwin [mailto:irwiniqbal@hrpasia.com.sg] Sent: Monday, March 31, 2008 12:10 PMTo: 'AYU'Subject: RE: Increment
Hi Ayu
Sure. Just give a call or email me if you need help.
Once again, I hope you can put in your best effort forward for all jobs given to you…J
HRP Asia Pte Ltd
T: +65 67737551
F: +65 67737537
M: +65 97697636
E: irwiniqbal@hrpasia.com.sg
From: AYU [mailto:ayu@hrpasia.com.sg] Sent: Monday, March 31, 2008 1:02 PMTo: 'Irwin'Subject: RE: Increment
Hi Mr. Irwin,
Firstly I would like to thank you for your proposal, it is really beyond my expectation ( I am so speechless diluar perkiraan saya). Why I said it is beyond my expectation? I saw my own performance from last yr ( so many MC leave) that I believe and feel I couldn’t perform well than I used to perform. Other than that there have other reason that made me insecure to make a quick decision regarding my plan career, like some colleagues, at first I can tolerate but from time to time I don’t think I can keep it longer. Actually I never want to create any troubles during working hours but if people touch someone else ‘s matter/ business at working hours I believe that no one can accept. I learnt it that I shouldn’t stay for long because I worry that I will make company a difficult if I keep on staying on this condition and wont make company a loss if I cant perform well. I think I will ask an apology when I found “a right time at new opportunity” for my last misbehaviour that made you have to hold an urgent meeting out of your tight schedule. I will take your proposal as a chance of being reborn and to mend the shortages here and there as well as to continue to do my best in future even the outcome are far from that. I appreciate whatever management outcome for me. I believe this company have made a fair judgement to everyone here.
Once again Pak Irwin, thank you.
Best Regard,
From: Irwin [mailto:irwiniqbal@hrpasia.com.sg] Sent: Monday, March 31, 2008 11:11 AMTo: 'AYU'Subject: Increment
Hi Ayu
I’ve proposed to the management to increase your salary by IDR400,000 beginning January 2008. That is, PT will backpay your salary from January 2008. Barry will inform you the outcome tomorrow.
I hope you’ll continue to do your best.
Best regards
HRP Asia Pte Ltd
T: +65 67737551
F: +65 67737537
M: +65 97697636
E: irwiniqbal@hrpasia.com.sg
Hi Ayu
Sure. Just give a call or email me if you need help.
Once again, I hope you can put in your best effort forward for all jobs given to you…J
HRP Asia Pte Ltd
T: +65 67737551
F: +65 67737537
M: +65 97697636
E: irwiniqbal@hrpasia.com.sg
From: AYU [mailto:ayu@hrpasia.com.sg] Sent: Monday, March 31, 2008 1:02 PMTo: 'Irwin'Subject: RE: Increment
Hi Mr. Irwin,
Firstly I would like to thank you for your proposal, it is really beyond my expectation ( I am so speechless diluar perkiraan saya). Why I said it is beyond my expectation? I saw my own performance from last yr ( so many MC leave) that I believe and feel I couldn’t perform well than I used to perform. Other than that there have other reason that made me insecure to make a quick decision regarding my plan career, like some colleagues, at first I can tolerate but from time to time I don’t think I can keep it longer. Actually I never want to create any troubles during working hours but if people touch someone else ‘s matter/ business at working hours I believe that no one can accept. I learnt it that I shouldn’t stay for long because I worry that I will make company a difficult if I keep on staying on this condition and wont make company a loss if I cant perform well. I think I will ask an apology when I found “a right time at new opportunity” for my last misbehaviour that made you have to hold an urgent meeting out of your tight schedule. I will take your proposal as a chance of being reborn and to mend the shortages here and there as well as to continue to do my best in future even the outcome are far from that. I appreciate whatever management outcome for me. I believe this company have made a fair judgement to everyone here.
Once again Pak Irwin, thank you.
Best Regard,
From: Irwin [mailto:irwiniqbal@hrpasia.com.sg] Sent: Monday, March 31, 2008 11:11 AMTo: 'AYU'Subject: Increment
Hi Ayu
I’ve proposed to the management to increase your salary by IDR400,000 beginning January 2008. That is, PT will backpay your salary from January 2008. Barry will inform you the outcome tomorrow.
I hope you’ll continue to do your best.
Best regards
HRP Asia Pte Ltd
T: +65 67737551
F: +65 67737537
M: +65 97697636
E: irwiniqbal@hrpasia.com.sg
Kamis, 27 Maret 2008
Biiiiiiiingung dehh
Aduh….bunda adiybah lagi super bingung nih…Gimana gak bingung mbahnya adiybah mau nolongin keramik kamar mandi, bukannya bunda gak merasa senang mau dibantu kamar mandinya supaya cantik tapi gini lho… biarpun keadaan keuangan keluarganya adiybah lagi gimana gitu tapi bunda gak mengeluh ke orang tuapun baik ke mertua maupun ibu kandung bunda. Yah…walaupun mungkin nantinya dapur dan kamar mandinya adiybah akan memakan setahun ataupun dua tahunan baru bisa cantik tapi bunda bersyukur usaha sendiri. Dalam keadaan seperti ini bunda maupun ayah masih belum bisa membantu mbah ataupun neneknya adiybah, ketika mereka mengulurkan pertolongan rasanya kok gak bisa dan gak tega gitu mau menerima uluran tsb. Dari hati yang paling dalam, merasa bersalah belum bisa membantu mereka kok sampai menerima bantuan dari org tua yang selayaknya dibantu. Mau menolak uluran juga rasanya serba salah kok takut menyakiti perasaan mereka yang sebenarnya bermaksud baik kepada keluarga adiybah….mau menerima juga tangan ini gak bisa maju….
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